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I have been a teaching principal in a small rural school for the last 3 years. Before this I have over 10 years teaching experience teaching students ranging in age 5 through to 12 and have loved every minute. “Students are engaged, motivated and keen to succeed. They take responsibility for their learning and increasingly know about themselves as learners. They stay on task, work well together and help each other. Positive and respectful interactions between students underpin learning”. Educ




I have been a teaching principal in a small rural school for the last 3 years. Before this I have over 10 years teaching experience teaching students ranging in age 5 through to 12 and have loved every minute. “Students are engaged, motivated and keen to succeed. They take responsibility for their learning and increasingly know about themselves as learners. They stay on task, work well together and help each other. Positive and respectful interactions between students underpin learning”. Educ
Skip Counting by 5 and 10 1-100 (number cards)

Skip Counting by 5 and 10 1-100 (number cards)

These Polka Dot Number Cards 1-100 can be used to teach skip counting in 5 and 10. The number cards can either be used as a wall display, flash cards or group and individual games. The cards have been designed to make it easy for students to recognize the multiples of 5 and 10, with them being green and the other numbers blue. There are 6 cards per page. Simply print, laminate and cut. I have included extra cards so you can make your own.If you would like other colors or designs please message me and I am happy to make them for you. Enjoy.
Skip Counting by 5 and 10 1-100 (number cards)

Skip Counting by 5 and 10 1-100 (number cards)

These Polka Dot Number Cards 1-100 can be used to teach skip counting in 5 and 10. The number cards can either be used as a wall display, flash cards or group and individual games. The cards have been designed to make it easy for students to recognize the multiples of 5 and 10, with them being green and the other numbers blue. There are 6 cards per page. Simply print, laminate and cut. I have included extra cards so you can make your own.If you would like other colors or designs please message me and I am happy to make them for you. Enjoy.
STEM Geometry 2: A Math Murder Mystery

STEM Geometry 2: A Math Murder Mystery

This murder mystery will engage students by taking them on a journey to solve geometry puzzles and questions to solve a murder. Students will need to gather evidence by completing charts, Interview witnesses by sorting through geometry shapes and compare data. Finally they will need to uncover the suspects disguise to reveal the criminals true identity. Once the case is solved they will need to complete the paperwork with a final hundred chart puzzle. Who is the Geometry Math Mystery Murderer!!! Enjoy
Counting from 1 to 1,000 Number Chart Booklet

Counting from 1 to 1,000 Number Chart Booklet

A booklet of number charts where students can write their numbers from 1-1,000. This booklet is ideal for students that are still learning or struggling to learn their numbers to 1000. Personally I print it all off and staple it together to make an individual attractive booklet for them to learn from. The grids are large enough for students to write the numbers in with some numbers already entered to guide the students along. This booklet can be used for small groups, homework, seatwork, or at a math center where it can be laminated and various counting patterns could also be used. I have also included a certificate of achievement for the students to join the Thousands Club and a blank template for you to create your own
Calendar Worksheet Booklet 2018 and 2019

Calendar Worksheet Booklet 2018 and 2019

A booklet for 2018 and 2019 where students can answer questions about the current month. This booklet is ideal for students that are still learning or struggling to learn their days of the week. Personally I print it all off and staple it together to make an individual attractive booklet for them to learn from. I made this resource in March and got my student to fill in the previous months as practice. Now my intention is to bring it out once a month for reinforcement. This booklet can be used for small groups, homework, seatwork, or at a math center where it could be laminated. I have also included a certificate of achievement for the students to join the Calendar Club. Thank you and please remember to follow me
CSI Math Murder Mystery - HELP! My Teacher is an Alien

CSI Math Murder Mystery - HELP! My Teacher is an Alien

This CSI alien themed math murder mystery will engage students by taking them on a journey to solve Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction problems and puzzles. Students narrow down the suspects by completing the activities and marking them off from the suspect list until one person is left. Who is it? This case includes Clue 1: Addition of 2-digit Numbers Clue 2: Subtraction from 100 Clue 3: Coordinates on 1 quadrant Clue 4: Mental Addition 1-Digit Clue 5: Subtraction from 100 Answer sheets are included
Easter Activities Quick and Easy

Easter Activities Quick and Easy

A bunch of quick and easy Easter activities that I use for my class. Nothing is required for these activities and worksheets. Just print them off and go.This is a fantastic resource to celebrate and remember Easter with your students. They include: Easter Egg Basket Addition Easter Egg Basket Making 2x Word Scavenger Hunts Word Find Color in pictures and Easter Eggs Design your own Easter Eggs Thanks And please remember to follow me to receive discounts and see my new resources
CSI: Easter Egg Hunt - Addition and Subtraction

CSI: Easter Egg Hunt - Addition and Subtraction

This STEM CSI investigation is themed around an Easter Egg Hunt. It is the perfect activity for Easter, but can be used all year round. This activity will engage students by taking them on a journey to solve 10 and 100 addition and subtraction puzzles . Students narrow down the suspects by completing the activities and marking them off from the suspect list until one person is left. Answer sheets are included Please remember to follow me. Enjoy
Growth Mindset Activity: Building Bridges and Islands (Hashiwokakero)

Growth Mindset Activity: Building Bridges and Islands (Hashiwokakero)

This Growth Mindset activity: Building Bridges or simply Bridges is a Japanese logic game originally called “Hashiwokakero” These puzzles will hook both you and your students in and wanting to do more. On each visually stunning puzzle you are given a number of islands where you need to join these islands with bridges. These puzzles are designed to improve your students spatial awareness. Reasons why solving Building Bridges Puzzles are good for your students It sharpens your critical thinking skills It improves our problem solving skills It helps us in multi-tasking thinking skills It helps stay mentally fit All you need to do is decide if you want color or black and white as both are included. Personally I use color. Print them off and laminate the sheets and you are good to go. Included is also a PowerPoint show to teach you and you students how to play.
Growth Mindset: Building Bridges and Islands (Hashiwokakero) Easier Version

Growth Mindset: Building Bridges and Islands (Hashiwokakero) Easier Version

This Growth Mindset activity: Building Bridges or simply Bridges is a Japanese logic game originally called “Hashiwokakero” These puzzles will hook both you and your students in and wanting to do more. On each visually stunning puzzle you are given a number of islands where you need to join these islands with bridges. These puzzles are designed to improve your students spatial awareness. This version is slightly easier than my other version and is a great option of your students have never played these types of puzzles. Reasons why solving Building Bridges Puzzles are good for your students It sharpens your critical thinking skills It improves our problem solving skills It helps us in multi-tasking thinking skills It helps stay mentally fit All you need to do is decide if you want color or black and white as both are included. Personally I use color. Print them off and laminate the sheets and you are good to go. Included is also a PowerPoint show to teach you and you students how to play.
Australian Financial Math: Money Loop game

Australian Financial Math: Money Loop game

This is an adaptation from the classic game “I have…who has…”. This game is a tried and tested game in helping students to both learn and practice counting and adding with Australian money. Two variations of the games have been included for differentiated learning. One with the same images of the corresponding currency on the cards and the other with different images of the same amount for a harder game. The Australian Money Loop game includes images of Australian currency for students to learn to sight the notes and coins quickly and easily. Simply print, laminate, cut and reuse.
CSI: Math Murder Mystery - Alien Invasion

CSI: Math Murder Mystery - Alien Invasion

Your school principal has been abducted by aliens in this CSI themed Math Murder Mystery activity will engage students by taking them on a journey to solve problems and puzzles. Students narrow down the suspects by completing the activities and marking them off from the suspect list until one person/animal is left. The problems in this math mystery focus on Grade Two “Operations & Algebraic Thinking” and “Number & Operations in Base Ten”. his case includes Clue 1: Addition up to 20. Clue 2: Adding and subtracting single digit numbers. Clue 3: Addition of 2-digit numbers with regrouping. Clue 4: Rounding to the nearest 10’s Clue 5: Addition up to 20, Making 20 Answer sheets are included Enjoy and please remember to follow me by clicking the following link to easily find my latest resources and receive discounts.
CSI Math Murder Mystery - HELP! The Mad Scientist #1 (x2 and x5 times tables)

CSI Math Murder Mystery - HELP! The Mad Scientist #1 (x2 and x5 times tables)

The Mad Scientist has struck!!! He has turned all of the teachers at school into frogs. This CSI themed math murder mystery will engage students by taking them on a journey to solve Multiplication and Division, problems and puzzles. This mystery is based on their times tables only and focuses on students x2 and x5 times tables. Students narrow down the possible options by completing the activities and marking them off from the ingredient list until one potion is left. Can you save the teachers? This case includes Clue 1: x5 times tables multiplication maze Clue 2: ÷2 division true or false puzzle Clue 3: ÷5 division cryptogram activity Clue 4: x2 and x5 times tables multiplication word problems Clue 5: x2 and x5 times tables activity Answer sheets are included
CSI Math Murder Mystery - HELP! The Mad Scientist #2 (x3 and x4 times tables)

CSI Math Murder Mystery - HELP! The Mad Scientist #2 (x3 and x4 times tables)

The Mad Scientist has struck again!!! He has now turned all of the classes apple computers into actual apples. This CSI themed math murder mystery will engage students by taking them on a journey to solve Multiplication and Division problems and puzzles. This mystery is based on their times tables only and focuses on students x3 and x4 times tables. Students narrow down the possible options by completing the activities and marking them off from the ingredient list until one potion is left. Can you save the teachers? This case includes Clue 1: ÷4 division cryptogram activity Clue 2: x3 times tables multiplication maze Clue 3: ÷3 division true or false puzzle Clue 4: x3 and x4 times tables multiplication word problems Clue 5: x3 and x4 times tables activity Answer sheets are included
Number Mats 0-10 Say, Read, Draw, Make, Write it

Number Mats 0-10 Say, Read, Draw, Make, Write it

Building number sense in the Early Years is vital. These number word mats for number between zero and ten are perfect for students learning and revision. Students read the correct word to match the number, draw the amount in the blank ten frame along with make it using play-dough or wix-stix and then write the number word. To get the most from the Number Word Mats, I suggest printing the mat on to white cardstock and then laminating the mat for extra durability. Please remember to follow me Enjoy
Number Mats 0-10 Say, Read, Draw, Make, Write it Polka Dot it

Number Mats 0-10 Say, Read, Draw, Make, Write it Polka Dot it

Building number sense in the Early Years is vital. These number word mats for number between zero and ten are perfect for students learning and revision. Students read the correct word to match the number, draw the amount in the blank ten frame along with make it using play-dough or wix-stix and then write the number word. To get the most from the Number Word Mats, I suggest printing the mat on to white cardstock and then laminating the mat for extra durability. Please remember to follow me Enjoy
Make 10 Number Bonds

Make 10 Number Bonds

A booklet of make 10 Number Bonds where students shade in the matching number bond. This booklet is ideal for students that are still learning or struggling to learn their number bonds. Personally I print it all off and staple it together to make an individual attractive booklet for them to learn from. This booklet can be used for small groups, homework, seatwork, or at a math center where it can be laminated. I have also included a certificate of achievement for the students to join the Number Bond Club and two versions; one with images at the bottom and one without.
Calendar Worksheet (Fill in Missing Numbers) Booklet 2018 and 2019

Calendar Worksheet (Fill in Missing Numbers) Booklet 2018 and 2019

A booklet for 2018 and 2019 where students can answer questions about the current month. In this version the students are required to add in the missing numbers for 10 days of each month. This booklet is ideal for students that are still learning or struggling to learn their days of the week. Personally I print it all off and staple it together to make an individual attractive booklet for them to learn from. I made this resource in March and got my student to fill in the previous months as practice. Now my intention is to bring it out once a month for reinforcement. This booklet can be used for small groups, homework, seatwork, or at a math center where it could be laminated. I have also included a certificate of achievement for the students to join the Calendar Club. Thank you and please remember to follow me
Hundreds and 120's Number Charts - Missing Numbers

Hundreds and 120's Number Charts - Missing Numbers

Included in this resource is both 100 and 120 number charts so that you can easily differentiate your lessons depending upon the students ability and learning goals. These number charts are a perfect way for students to learn and practice both their counting and place value. I have used these individually, for groups and whole class work. Once the students are shown what to do, they can also be used for homework, seatwork, or at a math center.The grids are large enough for students to write the numbers in with some numbers already entered to guide the students along.
Anzac Day Hidden Hundreds Chart - Australia and New Zealand

Anzac Day Hidden Hundreds Chart - Australia and New Zealand

These ANZAC themed hidden pictures will engage and excite your students and is a fantastic way to remember the ANZAC’s on their special day or all year round…Everything you need is included. Just print and go. No preparation required. These engaging hundreds charts mystery pictures require students to read numbers to 100, locate them on the hundreds chart, and to colour them. In doing these activities they will practice their number recognition and number fluency. This pack includes 6 ANZAC Themed Hundreds Chart Hidden Pictures. This pack is a great way of reaching those hard to reach boys while extending others.